What are the types of dispute?
In general, there are two main types of disputes: Civil disputes: these are usually special disputes between individuals related to real estate, espec...
What are the matters of disputes?
There are two main types of dispute matters: Civil disputes: Sorting and retainer disputes: division of real estate and land and determination of ...
What is a dispute description?
Dispute description is the classification of topics that fall into the two main types of conflicts at the DRC, for example: 1. Civil Disputes : So...
What is an address?
Address refers to the addresses of the parties to the conflict, which can be determined through the "Onwani" app with the following information: ...
What are applications? What are their types?
Applications are electronic requests submitted by the parties to the conflict through the electronic system for the consideration of the dispute, for exampl...
Who is the plaintiff?
The plaintiff is the person who makes a request to register the dispute before the DRC and is considered the first party to the dispute.
Who is the defendant?
The defendant is the person against whom the dispute is registered by the plaintiff and is considered the second party to the dispute.
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